Na semana passada (de 13 a 15 de fevereiro), o Prof. Dr. Dalvan Griebler esteve em Pavia, Itália, para apresentar o artigo aceito para a Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP). Detalhes sobre a conferência podem ser encontrados na página oficial: Este trabalho foi feito principalmente pelo estudante de graduação Charles Michel Stein e pelo Prof. Dr. Dalvan Griebler em cooperação com o Prof. Dr. Marco Danelutto da Universidade de Pisa e com o Prof. Dr. Luiz Gustavo Fernandes da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. (PUCRS). Título e resumo do artigo são fornecidos abaixo:

Título: Stream Parallelism on the LZSS Data Compression Application for Multi-Cores with GPUs

Resumo: GPUs have been used to accelerate different data parallel applications. The challenge consists in using GPUs to accelerate stream processing applications. Our goal is to investigate and evaluate whether stream parallel applications may benefit from parallel execution on both CPU and GPU cores. In this paper, we introduce new parallel algorithms for the Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymanski (LZSS) data compression application. We implemented the algorithms targeting both CPUs and GPUs. GPUs have been used with CUDA and OpenCL to exploit inner algorithm data parallelism. Outer stream parallelism has been exploited using CPU cores through SPar. The parallel implementation of LZSS achieved 135 fold speedup using a multi-core CPU and two GPUs. We also observed speedups in applications where we were not expecting to get it using the same combine data-stream parallel exploitation techniques.

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