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2021 |
Dopke, Luan; Rockenbach, Dinei A; Griebler, Dalvan Avaliação de Desempenho para Banco de Dados com Genoma em Nuvem Privada Inproceedings doi 21th Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD-RS), pp. 45-48, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Joinville, RS, Brazil, 2021. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Databases, Genomics, NoSQL databases @inproceedings{larcc:cloud_DNA_databases:ERAD:21, title = {Avaliação de Desempenho para Banco de Dados com Genoma em Nuvem Privada}, author = {Luan Dopke and Dinei A Rockenbach and Dalvan Griebler}, url = {}, doi = {10.5753/eradrs.2021.14771}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-04-01}, booktitle = {21th Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD-RS)}, pages = {45-48}, publisher = {Sociedade Brasileira de Computação}, address = {Joinville, RS, Brazil}, abstract = {Os bancos de dados são ferramentas particularmente interessantes para a manipulação de dados gerados através do sequenciamento de DNA. Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de três bancos de dados com cargas relacionadas ao sequenciamento de DNA: PostgreSQL e MySQL como bancos de dados relacionais e MongoDB como banco de dados NoSQL. Os resultados demonstram que o PostgreSQL se sobressai aos demais..}, keywords = {Databases, Genomics, NoSQL databases}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } Os bancos de dados são ferramentas particularmente interessantes para a manipulação de dados gerados através do sequenciamento de DNA. Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de três bancos de dados com cargas relacionadas ao sequenciamento de DNA: PostgreSQL e MySQL como bancos de dados relacionais e MongoDB como banco de dados NoSQL. Os resultados demonstram que o PostgreSQL se sobressai aos demais.. |
2018 |
Rockenbach, Dinei A; Anderle, Nadine; Griebler, Dalvan; Souza, Samuel Estudo Comparativo de Bancos de Dados NoSQL Journal Article doi Revista Eletrônica Argentina-Brasil de Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (REABTIC), 1 (8), 2018. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Benchmark, Databases, NoSQL databases @article{larcc:comparativo_nosql:REABTIC:18, title = {Estudo Comparativo de Bancos de Dados NoSQL}, author = {Dinei A Rockenbach and Nadine Anderle and Dalvan Griebler and Samuel Souza}, url = {}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1228503}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-04-01}, journal = {Revista Eletrônica Argentina-Brasil de Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (REABTIC)}, volume = {1}, number = {8}, publisher = {SETREM}, address = {Três de Maio, RS, Brazil}, abstract = {NoSQL databases emerged to fill limitations of the relational databases. The many options for each one of the categories, and their distinct characteristics and focus makes this assessment very difficult for decision makers. Most of the time, decisions are taken without the attention and background deserved due to the related complexities. This article aims to compare the relevant characteristics of each database, abstracting the information that bases the market marketing of them. We concluded that although the databases are labeled in a specific category, there is a significant disparity in the functionalities offered by each of them. Also, we observed that new databases are emerging even though there are well-established databases in each one of the categories studied. Finally, it is very challenging to suggest the best database for each category because each scenario has its requirements, which requires a careful analysis where our work can help to simplify this kind of decision.}, keywords = {Benchmark, Databases, NoSQL databases}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } NoSQL databases emerged to fill limitations of the relational databases. The many options for each one of the categories, and their distinct characteristics and focus makes this assessment very difficult for decision makers. Most of the time, decisions are taken without the attention and background deserved due to the related complexities. This article aims to compare the relevant characteristics of each database, abstracting the information that bases the market marketing of them. We concluded that although the databases are labeled in a specific category, there is a significant disparity in the functionalities offered by each of them. Also, we observed that new databases are emerging even though there are well-established databases in each one of the categories studied. Finally, it is very challenging to suggest the best database for each category because each scenario has its requirements, which requires a careful analysis where our work can help to simplify this kind of decision. |
2017 |
Rockenbach, Dinei A; Anderle, Nadine Análise e Avaliação Comparativa do Desempenho de Bancos de Dados NoSQL Undergraduate Thesis Undergraduate Thesis, 2017. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Databases, NoSQL databases @misc{larcc:dinei_nadine:TCC:17, title = {Análise e Avaliação Comparativa do Desempenho de Bancos de Dados NoSQL}, author = {Dinei A Rockenbach and Nadine Anderle}, url = {}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-07-01}, address = {Três de Maio, RS, Brazil}, school = {Sociedade Educacional Três de Maio (SETREM)}, abstract = {The NoSQL databases were created to overcome the relational databases limitations. With the increase in their popularity there was an expansion in the number of systems available, the decision-making process to decide which option best fits the enterprise needs may be harder because of the amount of options. The goal of this work is to perform a comparative study of 4 categories of NoSQL databases: key-value, column family, document oriented, and graph or triple. The approach included deductive and quali-quantitative tests, because it departs from an abstract entity to create a bibliographical study of technologies, also it was made a statistical analysis of data. It was used the observation technique, experimentations and documentation, to report the results. The theoretical foundation was created based on bibliographical research and the results are demonstrated through a survey and through a statistical analysis of the studied tools. By then, the work contributed to an analysis of different databases and their performance, the results shown qualitatively and quantitatively the characteristics and point out to the main advantages. It also became verified the importance of scientific research, not only to the community but also to the society in general, everyone that uses these technologies. At the end it was possible to highlight the performance of Couchbase and Aerospike databases for the tested workload and infrastructure.}, howpublished = {Undergraduate Thesis}, keywords = {Databases, NoSQL databases}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {misc} } The NoSQL databases were created to overcome the relational databases limitations. With the increase in their popularity there was an expansion in the number of systems available, the decision-making process to decide which option best fits the enterprise needs may be harder because of the amount of options. The goal of this work is to perform a comparative study of 4 categories of NoSQL databases: key-value, column family, document oriented, and graph or triple. The approach included deductive and quali-quantitative tests, because it departs from an abstract entity to create a bibliographical study of technologies, also it was made a statistical analysis of data. It was used the observation technique, experimentations and documentation, to report the results. The theoretical foundation was created based on bibliographical research and the results are demonstrated through a survey and through a statistical analysis of the studied tools. By then, the work contributed to an analysis of different databases and their performance, the results shown qualitatively and quantitatively the characteristics and point out to the main advantages. It also became verified the importance of scientific research, not only to the community but also to the society in general, everyone that uses these technologies. At the end it was possible to highlight the performance of Couchbase and Aerospike databases for the tested workload and infrastructure. |
Rockenbach, Dinei A; Anderle, Nadine; Griebler, Dalvan; Souza, Samuel Estudo Comparativo de Banco de Dados Chave-Valor com Armazenamento em Memória Inproceedings 13th Escola Regional de Banco de Dados (ERBD), pp. 1-4, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Passo Fundo, BR, 2017. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Databases, NoSQL databases @inproceedings{larcc:database_keyvalue:ERBD:17, title = {Estudo Comparativo de Banco de Dados Chave-Valor com Armazenamento em Memória}, author = {Dinei A Rockenbach and Nadine Anderle and Dalvan Griebler and Samuel Souza}, url = {}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-04-01}, booktitle = {13th Escola Regional de Banco de Dados (ERBD)}, pages = {1-4}, publisher = {Sociedade Brasileira de Computação}, address = {Passo Fundo, BR}, abstract = {Key-value databases emerge to address relational databases' limitations and with the increasing capacity of RAM memory it is possible to offer greater performance and versatility in data storage and processing. The objective is to perform a comparative study of key-value databases with memory storage Redis, Memcached, Voldemort, Aerospike, Hazelcast and Riak KV. Thus, the work contributed to an analysis of different databases and with results that qualitatively demonstrated the characteristics and pointed out the main advantages.}, keywords = {Databases, NoSQL databases}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } Key-value databases emerge to address relational databases' limitations and with the increasing capacity of RAM memory it is possible to offer greater performance and versatility in data storage and processing. The objective is to perform a comparative study of key-value databases with memory storage Redis, Memcached, Voldemort, Aerospike, Hazelcast and Riak KV. Thus, the work contributed to an analysis of different databases and with results that qualitatively demonstrated the characteristics and pointed out the main advantages. |