Adriano Vogel, who graduated in Computer Networks from Setrem, has now earned a master’s degree from PUCRS. His dissertation “Adaptive Degree of Parallelism for the Spar Runtime” was aimed at streaming applications that are present in several domains, for example, video, audio and image processing. The work was led by Dr. Luiz Gustavo Leão Fernandes and co-orientador Dr. Dalvan Jair Griebler, coordinator of the LARCC.

The research was developed in the Parallel Application Modeling Group (GMAP) of PUCRS, of which Vogel is also a member. “The problem with the study was that a significant portion of the streaming applications require parallelism (run with multiple threads) to increase performance. Continually adapting the degree of parallelism (number of threads with which an application is executed) is one way of responding the dynamic nature of these applications, “he explains. The work was evaluated by the examining board composed by professors Dr. Avelino Francisco Zorzo (PPGCC / PUCRS) and Dr. Marco Danelutto (University of Pisa).

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