1st LARCC workshop

The Information Systems (SI) and Computer Networks (TRC) superior courses and the Technical Course in Computing (CTI) of SETREM promoted, on Saturday morning, 8, in the auditorium of the institution’s campus, the 1st workshop of the Laboratory of Advanced Research on Cloud Computing (LARCC). After the greeting of the coordinator of SI and TRC, Vera Benedetti, the results of LARCC in 2016 were presented by the teacher Dalvan Griebler. Following this, the academic Willian Baum presented the work Characterization of the performance of pipeline applications in KVM and LXC instances of a CloudStack cloud.

Then it was the turn of the academic Anderson Maliszewski to present his study, entitled “Performance of operations to create and delete concurrent KVM instances in CloudStack and OpenStack clouds”. After the interval, three other works were presented: Improving network performance on container-based cloud environment for hadoop, by the academic Carlos Maron; An in-cloud networking performance evaluation CloudStack Environment, by the graduate Adriano Vogel; and Research Trends on Cloud Computing, by professor Dalvan Griebler.

After the presentations, time was devoted to discussion, debate and questions about all the themes developed in the activity. Representatives of several companies from the region, such as Abase Sistemas e Soluções (sponsor of the research) and Migrate from Três de Maio, Tecnicon Sistemas Gerenciais from Horizontina, BrPhonia from Santa Rosa and SAN Internet from Santo Ângelo were present. “The LARCC is open to new academic researchers and research collaborators”, concludes Vera.