Setrem’s Laboratory of Advanced Research on Cloud Computing (LARCC) had an article accepted at the XIX Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (WSCAD 2018), held October 1-3, at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo. The study “Performance of multithreading applications under private cloud conditions” is authored by Anderson M. Maliszewski (Setrem), Dr. Dalvan Griebler (PUCRS / Setrem), MSc. Adriano Vogel (PUCRS) and Dr. Claudio Schepke ( Unipampa).

According to Maliszewski, the CloudStack cloud platform was used and to represent the virtualization technologies were implemented the clouds based on KVM (full virtualization) and LXC (container virtualization). “In addition, PARSEC suite applications were tested in native and cloud-based environments. Results were statistically compared to find out whether there are differences between environments, both in the “dedicated environment” methodology, where all resources are available for the instances, as well as the methodology “shared environment”, in which the resources are divided between the instances, after which all the environments were characterized by a baseline created by the monitoring of the applications. The results belong to the TCC of Anderson Mattheus Maliszewski and Willian Baum, realized in 2017.

WSCAD is the main national event on High Performance Computation, in which members of major Brazilian universities participate. Since 2000, WSCAD has presented the main developments, applications and trends in the areas of Computer Architecture, High Performance Processing and Systems Distributed.